Lsd Cells In Digital Cameras How Many Brain Cells Do You Lose When You Take Drugs?

How many brain cells do you lose when you take drugs? - lsd cells in digital cameras

I know that 1000 people to lose brain cells a day, but its good because we have thousands of millions ...... But I took drugs such as ecstasy, speed, LSD, mushrooms, GHB, coke and weed and I wonder how much is lost by each drug


lovechil... said...

Inhalants such as paint are the worst in terms of cell regeneration; pot can reduce the receptors in the brain, and speed may lead to a crash and burn of metabolism, which is really hard to adjust after being used, but the spirit is an amazing place, because if you believe that we can achieve a regeneration of body and brain. Do not listen to a book of statistics or theory in this case. Use your head. And remember, flashback can be fun if you only go with him .... People ride out the wave! (But if you have moderate one of your agents assumed that water)

xz_avier said...

Depends on what you need, as often as you, and what is not really much, because we are not our whole brain, and some people stupid enough not to use drugs and some users, drugs have a lot of intelligence.

javornik... said...

I am not a doctor, but the question you ask what makes me think ... I think I am not very intelligent, but usually to a healthy life, if for no other reason to live, not because I was not really a burden on society ... Now I'm not mean to say you do something weird or scandalous, but I really think he should stop abusing drugs for their own good, if not for anything else!

Mr. Advice said...

lol, I do not think anyone can have a certain amount. I'm sorry, but I have very general, I only know that a lot.

Samantha Jane ;) said...

Go brain dead, and your penis will fall / push occurs, do not use drugs

Joe Blough said...

Ok, we .........................
Mushroom-23, 8
G-9001, or 90,047, depending on quality
Weeds are not
Most stupid question
JMW what?

Emma! said...

If your presentation of the new findings do not

Andy D said...

u How much depends on decisions! After a weekend or a meeting may feel that nothing more brain!

Ty said...

The issue is not that brain cells is actually lost is irrelevant, because the nerve cells are always available to establish new connections in the neurons of age have died. When people say: "Beer kills brain cells, just use fear.

More importantly, however, how the brain works. Except in extreme cases, the use of a drug once, not likely to harm the long term. Excessive use of drugs, but can change drastically, how nerve cells communicate with each other.

Make use of antidepressants. The point is to take drugs to boost levels of serotonin in nerve cell synapses in specific brain regions. This will only upward. In the long run, the brain adapts to the increased level of serotonin in the destruction of serotonin receptors, which means that you increase the dose.

The same goes for illegal drugs. Cocaine and amphetamine directly for the amount of dopamine available to the neurons, which receive high as dopamine in the brain ""The reward of chemicals. Use it too often and the decline of dopamine receptors, or, if not on drugs, which are lower than they were before. This change is long lasting but not permanent and are one of the reasons why These drugs are so addictive, because at some point, you need drugs to feel normal.

Alcohol is a little different, the GABA and glutamate are neurotransmitters in the brain. Alcohol increases the effect of GABA (inhibitory) and reduce the effects of glutamate (excitatory). Therefore, alcohol is a sedative. Not because you are sad, but because they are disabled or function of the brain, leading) to a slower response time deterioration of the test, and some very stupid moves are silent (not to mention the strange awakening on this page. I do not know why we chose our legal drug alcohol, since it is probably one of the worst. It affects the entire brain and fundamentally changes how the brain as a whole.

The verdict is still out on hallucinogenic drugs and marijuana. There are nOT lot of evidence for lasting effects, and not where the evidence proving the contrary.

It is interesting that the work of the marijuana-cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Yes cannabinoids cannibalism, Pot-specific receptors for the active ingredient THC. Why are these receptors in the brain? Well, because the brain produces a chemical that is primarily THC. This chemical is very new for scientists, and we do not understand why they occur. The authors suggest that it is there to make the hunger (hunger) and probably a mild form of natural painkillers.

In any case, I hope that helps!

cjsparta... said...

If 3215643

Easy Matt said...

Ecstasy high = low
= Low rate of decline
LSD = possibly indicating a very high light
Mushrooms = very low
GHB = Alcohol makes you lose more
Coca-Cola = meh, who cares really?
Weed = very low, is also likely that alcohol kills twice.

Lib said...

Because brain cells do not regenerate, is very serious, if you take drugs that destroy brain cells.
I do not know exactly how many died, but he will lose thousands each day, and scientists have discovered that other drugs are lost, especially with everything that you should have done a very large amount for them to see an even greater loss.

isabella said...

significantly higher than normal

Mikal F said...

as u dont take these brain cells back regularly shud ur
Class list of Ur r Tho as much as problems in the short and take on the C-Class, since it has the least amount of damage
or you can find foods that help the brain Cels
take tablets or fish oil
Any help!

girly83 said...

Ok ex burns holes directly into your brain on drugs that make you hallucinate make the brain swell and bleed ...... Every drug is different. How much and how often they actually run the answers.

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